Evaluation criteria

Each online survey application will be evaluated in the following categories on a scale from 0 (major deficiencies) to 3 (exceptional). These criteria indicates the characteristics associated with the numerical ratings for each category.

For example, the "question types" category ranges from 0 ("Missing core question types, e.g. no 'select one' question") to 3 (basic and advanced question types, plus the ability to embed images/YouTube videos in the survey).

Trouble viewing the embedded criteria? See the standalone version.

Test survey

A test survey was constructed to test a number of these criteria. Each survey application was tested by recreating this survey through their interface.


Scores are calculated by adding up the points earned in each category and dividing by the total number of points possible. Scores are then normalized be out of 100 points.

For more about the project, please see the about page.